
Showing posts from January, 2019

What's blockchain?

What's blockchain? Blockchain is technology for creating permanent, secure digital recordings that don’t rely on any single person or group. Blockchains can record any information, though the first example was created to record bitcoin transactions. Imagine the blockchain as a book of records. Each page in that book, is a block, and can record anything. Blocks are created one after the other, chained to each other creating what we know as the blockchain. Multiple blockchain records are maintained simultaneously by a large group of unrelated individuals and their computers, making it cloud storage on steroids. Updates are seen immediately and manipulation is extremely difficult/impossible.

What's bitcoin?

What's bitcoin? Bitcoin is the first digital cash created in 2009. It was made by an unknown person or group who went by the name, Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin is unique because it does not rely on government/bank created money. In addition, transactions occur directly between pseudonymous people (their real names are not known), meaning there are no banks or middlemen. Each transaction is recorded on a digital record kept by many people across the world known as the “blockchain”. Because there are so many copies being simultaneously maintained, the banking data is very safe and virtually impossible to manipulate.

Nigeria! A Failed Nation?

The old, youth or the unborn generations No category admits this fact, but first of all let's consider this: Is Nigeria a failed country? From time past even until now, circumstances and situations of the country has left citizens and non-citizens with the believe that Nigeria has failed in the discharge of her duties. And despite her laws, there are still loopholes that puts the whole country in disarray. Nigeria been the so called giant of Africa with very wide range of land and resources tends to even emerge one of the poorest in its well-recognized abode 'Africa'. Even though we got our independence almost 59 years ago, from the happenings we could say that Nigeria is still a dependent nation that looks up to help from international source and could hardly stand on her own.  From the above facts gathered from every sphere of reports, news and experiences, we can boldly say Nigeria is not yet a failed country but a failing country. Who is to be blamed...

Things You Need to Know About Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is an electronic money created with technology controlling its creation and protecting transactions, while hiding the identities of its users. Crypto-  is short for “cryptography”, and cryptography is computer technology used for security, hiding information, identities and more.  Currency  simply means “money currently in use”. Cryptocurrencies are a digital cash designed to be quicker, cheaper and more reliable than our regular government issued money. Instead of trusting a government to create your money and banks to store, send and receive it, users transact directly with each other and store their money themselves. Because people can send money directly without a middleman, transactions are usually very affordable and fast. To prevent fraud and manipulation, every user of a cryptocurrency can simultaneously record and verify their own transactions and the transactions of everyone else. The digital transaction recordings are known as...

Introduction to Fintech

Fintech stands for Financial Technology. When finance collaborate with technology for better products and efficient processes, the term Fintech is used in general sense. It is being used as a noun to address start up associated with Fintech and as a verb. There is no proper definition of Fintech since the term is evolving within its scope and has extended itself from banking to other activities like insurance, mutual funds and personal finance management. Why so much hype around Fintech? Rise and doom of any company or industry is based on simple rules of demand and supply. The demand factors associated with Fintech services are driven by the consumers. Supply factors have mainly been from banks earlier and technology giants, Fintech start-ups nowadays. Let’s understand the trigger points of these demands and newly generated supply of these services. Demand trigger points The younger generation today has grown up in the era of accelerated growth of technology. Early introduc...

... And the world will be as one

“Love is the very essence of life. It is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Yet it is not found only at the end of the rainbow. Love is at the beginning also, and from it springs the beauty that arched across the sky on a stormy day. Love is the security for which children weep, the yearning of youth, the adhesive that binds marriage, and the lubricant that prevents devastating friction in the home; it is the peace of old age, the sunlight of hope shining through death. How rich are those who enjoy it in their associations with family, friends, and neighbors! Love, like faith, is a gift of God. It is also the most enduring and most powerful virtue.” ―  Gordon B. Hinckley,  Standing for Something: Ten Neglected Virtues That Will Heal Our Hearts and Homes

Artificial Intelligence

The modern definition of artificial intelligence (or AI) is "the study and design of intelligent agents" where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions which maximizes its chances of success. John McCarthy, who coined the term in 1956, defines it as "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines." Other names for the field have been proposed, such as computational intelligence, synthetic intelligence or computational rationality. The term artificial intelligence is also used to describe a property of machines or programs: the intelligence that the system demonstrates. AI research uses tools and insights from many fields, including computer science, psychology, philosophy, neuroscience, cognitive science, linguistics, operations research, economics, control theory, probability, optimization and logic. AI research also overlaps with tasks such as robotics, control systems, scheduling, data mining, logi...